
4AI shop is opening soon

Soon our shop is opening! You will be able to order Album3D apps containing your photos.

In the meantime, you can prepare your photos as described below.

Photo requirements

  1. Photos will be sorted by their name, so if you need a particular order you can rename them in the following way:
    • P0001_OldName1
    • P0002_OldName2
    • PNNNN_OldNameX

      where OlName1, OlName2, …, OlNameX are the old photo names for which you want to change the sort order. For example, if you have 4 files: A.png, B.png, Y.png, Z.png and you want to have a reverse order, then you can rename them to:

    • P0001_Z.png
    • P0002_Y.png
    • P0003_B.png
    • P0004_A.png
  2. You will be able to choose different photo resolutions for your app. Below you can find suggested input photo resolutions:
    • Standard resolution: Max 2048 x Max 2048. Suggested Input resolution: (2048-4096) x (2048-4096).
    • Medium resolution: Max 4096 x Max 2048. Suggested Input resolution: (4096-8192) x (2048-8192).
    • High resolution: Max 4096 x Max 4096. Suggested Input resolution: (4096-8192) x (4096-8192).
  3. You must preserve the aspect ratio of your photos when you decrease the resolution of your photos.
  4. You will be able to choose different qualities of input photos:
    • Standard quality: input photos in lossy formats such as jpg.
    • High quality: input photos in lossless formats such as png and tiff.

More information coming soon.

Soon there will be also another shop at, which in fact will forward you to a page at .

Shops at and will differ slightly in terms of product variations, available licenses etc.